Développement de l’autonomie et du leadership des femmes pour la democratisation

Projets partenaires

Organisation for Women’s Freedom in Iraq http://www.owfi.info/

Warvin Foundation for Women’s Issues  http://www.warvin.org/english.aspx

Institute for women’s empowerment http://iwe-women.org/aboutIWE.php

Solidaritas Perempuan http://www.solidaritasperempuan.org

Foundation for Solidarity and Justice (FSJ) www.solidarityforjustice.org.af

Salmmah Women’s Resource Centre

Institute for Women Peace and Security http://www.riwps-afghanistan.org/

Baobab for Women’s Human Rights http://www.baobabwomen.org/

Groupe de Recherche sur les Femmes et le Lois au Senegal (GREFELS) http://www.grefels.com/

Women Reclaiming and Re-Defining Cultures http://wrrc.wluml.org/

Justice for Iran - http://justiceforiran.org/

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