Women's Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation


Justice for Iran: A Shadow Report on Child Marriage



In the space of only one year, 276,000 under-age girls were married and 109,000 teenagers gave birth in Iran


1,289 mothers gave birth aged 14 in the year 1391 (2012-2013). There were another 275 births to 13-year-old mothers, 50 to girls aged 12 and 17 births to 11-year-old mothers. Four girls gave birth at the age of 10.

Silence Did Not Protect Farinaz Khosravani

Elahe Amani, a WELDD participant from our Beirut workshop 2014, urges us to speak out and transform our silence into action, and bring an end to gender based violence.

Justice for Iran: Recommendations on early marriage


The Iranian government must improve its rules on women's and girls' right to free and informed marriage, according to Justice for Iran's latest report. Current government policies permit infringements on girls' and women's autonomy and are incompatible with Iran's international human rights commitments. In 2013 thousands of girls under 15 were forced to marry.

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